So what's the deal with:
Clearly, no one wants to be penalized for long walks on the beach, sunny blue-bird skies, or poolside happy hours, but here's the truth:
prolonged exposure to any of these situations, and exposure in general, can irritate and even cause lasting damage to your lovely epidermis (skin). This statement is in no way meant to discourage your quest for tasty waves and sunsets, but rather, to remind you to protect your skin before you wreck your skin.
Practicing protective skin care can help ward off premature aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (sun-spots); but unfortunately, nothing can protect you from the exposure of seeing Uncle Todd try and pull off those short shorts.
(Enter) Dr.Jimmy's After Sun Moisturizer: with its unique combination of aloe vera and hemp derived cannabidiol (CBD),
this unique skin moisturizer quickly soothes irritated and sun scorched skin, while helping repair and smite skin damage. Dr.Jimmy's formula is unique in that it uses CBD, which is a powerful antioxidant, to help reduce painful inflammation, expel harmful free-radicals (not a pop-punk band) and combat wrinkle production. Use it as a daily moisturizer and in dry climates to keep your skin perpetually feeling fresh
We know what you're thinking, and yes, hemp has been shown to be capable of all of this "magic" the entire time. You can even make clothes, bioplastics, biofuel, tasty treats, and all kinds of fun stuff out of it (humans have been doing it for years).
So, "don't worry, be hempy; and if you want your skin to look like a pug's face, go for it (pugs are adorable), but if you don't, just remember to pack your Dr.Jimmy's wherever the sun goes; maybe stash it in your first-aid kit next to the schnapps and bandaids."